Team - Florida Division

Lead Investigator / Case Manager/ Researcher/ Evidence Analyst/ Web Designer/Â Media Specialist
Heidy has experienced Paranormal Phenomena since she was a little girl, and grew up knowing she always wanted to be a paranormal investigator.
Since the paranormal is a growing and developing field, she believes continued education is key. She continues her own education through classes, workshops, attending lectures, working with other teams and running tests on equipment.

Paranormal Investigator/Evidence Analyst
Mikey started his paranormal adventures in 2019 while volunteering to film for another team and having had a first hand experience of the phenomena that opened his mind up to the other side.
Since then, he as become fully committed in, not only experiencing but learning more about the field.
F.P.I -Â Florida Paranormal Investigators
F.P.I - Florida Paranormal Investigators is part of UnScene Paranormal Partnerships. They have welcomed our FL Division Team, who just moved to the area with open arms and have now become important members of the team and also have their own individual group.
We've blended together to create Unity in the Field.

Co-founder and Lead Investigator
Originally from Niagara Falls, NY, Sarah grew up in a historic area near the Canadian Border and has interacted with many spirits since childhood. After a near-death experience in 2006, Sarah's passion for the unexplained was reignited in her adulthood. Researching and investigating as a hobby while raising a young family. Now as a near-empty nester, Sarah has turned her hobby into a full-time pursuit. In addition to founding F.P.I. Sarah has earned her Paranormal Investigator Certificate (CPI) from St. Thomas University. She is continuing her study with the Rhine Institute pursuing a Scientific Perspective Certificate in Paranormal Studies and Parapsychology.
Co-founder and Lead Investigator
Jen grew up in upstate N.Y. in a beautiful yet, haunted home built in the early 1800s. Ever since she has been in love with the paranormal and finding answers to the unexplained, she has been investigating and studying the paranormal scientifically for over a decade. For Jen, this research is her mission and her passion. As a founder of F.P.I. her goal for the team is to help others find answers regarding hauntings and messages from the beyond. The thing that helps drive Jen the most is that no person feels uncomfortable or afraid of unexplained phenomena in their home. Jen is the consummate "people person" with the living and non and she can't wait to meet you!
Spiritualist Medium
Bio Coming Soon...